Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ward trunk or treat

I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday.
I love that our ward does a trunk or treat, it's the perfect kick off to the holiday!
This year the Young Women did a little carnival for the primary kids. It turned out so great! The laurels did face painting, the mia maids did a fishing pond, and the beehives did doughnut on a string.
I went a little over board on the doughnuts... which is a good thing because I think some kids came back like 5 or 6 times! And of course a few of the youth came and had a try at it.

After everyone ate and the carnival died down, it was time for trunk or treating! It's so fun to see all the kids in their costumes. Of course Nick and I dress up.

Nick is such a good sport with Halloween costumes. I usually come up with them, but he thought of these costumes last year! I've been waiting all year for this. It was fun to finally see it all come together.

After a fun night of trunk or treating, a FiiZ run was in order. Especially for Nick... poor guy had a headache from his wig and goggles. Of course a diet coke would do the trick.

One night of Halloween fun down, one more to go.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

the random man at bowmans.

Ok, let me give some background on this story before I jump right in.
Monday morning I did not feel like getting up and doing my hair. So I decided to sleep an extra hour and have it be a mandatory hat day for me.
So I wore my straw fedora hat to work.
Now for the real story.
So it was finally lunch time and I decided I wanted a loaded baked potato from Bowman's and of course a drink from FiiZ.
So I drove to Bowman's first. (yup it's across the street from my work and I drove...can you say lazy??)
I got out of my car and saw an older gentleman walking in as well, he looked at me and said "Where did you get that hat?? You must have done theater to get a hat like that!" 
So I just smiled and said "No, just a lazy day today."
Then he noticed my apron and my wedding ring and says "Wow, a hairdresser too! And you're married! How long have you been married? 3 years?"
Me: "No, I've actually been married for 5 years going on 6.
Him: "Wow! You must be getting older then! Did you marry young and marry one of those RM's fresh off their mission??"
Me (laughing): "Yeah basically, I'm 26 and I got married at 20"
Him: "Any kids yet?"
Me: "No, not yet."
Him: "Well that's alright! You're doing things right! Sorry if I am getting personal!"
Me (still giggling): "You are fine!"
Him: "One more question, how long did it take for you after you got married to tell your husband to stop doing certain things that bothered you?"
Me: "Hmmm...I don't know, maybe a day or two"
Him: "I bet it was a few hours! HAHA! Have a great day!"

I seriously can't even begin to tell you all how much this man reminded me of my grandpa, and Nick! 
My grandpa would stop anyone he felt like talking to and just have a random conversation with them. We have some many pictures of him just sitting with strangers carrying on a conversation. I love it. And Nick already does stuff like this, so I called Nick and told him what had happened and I told him that would be him in the future.
So, to the random man at Bowman's...
Thanks for making my Monday that much better and for making me laugh. 
It's little things like this that just make my day.