Sunday, February 9, 2014

kaliope, the one and only territorial cat.

earlier this week at work, i saw this cute cat playing outside. come to find out that the owner was actually looking for someone to have him. my owner, brenda, had talked to the owner of the cat and told her i might be interested in taking him. so i made a quick phone call to nick to see what he thought. we agreed that we would want to try taking home the cat to see how kaliope would react. yes, we know it can take a while for cats to get along and get used to each other. but today... was a long day with the both of them.
today we finally brought the new cat out without being in his kennel. kaliope freaked out. she more than freaked out, she went hostile. this is how kaliope is at the vet. it is most definitely not a pretty sight, and she just looks absolutely evil. and kaliope is not like that at all, kaliope is a very loving cat, she cuddles with me and nick, is always waiting for us at the door when we come home, etc. 
today made me think of the quote "if it's not broke, don't fix it" kaliope was never broken, kaliope didn't need a friend. we were a perfect family of 3. it was reeeally hard for me to see kaliope act like this, especially towards another cat. he doesn't deserve it. i don't like having him locked up in our 2nd bedroom so he doesn't have to deal with kaliope. he is also an indoor/outdoor cat, he is dying to go outside. but i just don't feel comfortable letting him out where we live, it's too busy, we have construction going on across the street, so it scares me.
i also today googled information on the breed of cat that kaliope is, here is what i found:

In addition to their distinctive coloring, torties also have a reputation for unique personalities, sometimes referred to as “tortitude.”  They tend to be strong-willed, a bit hot-tempered, and they can be very possessive of their human.  Other words used to describe torties are fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable.  They’re usually very talkative and make their presence and needs known with anything from a hiss to a meow to a strong purr.

that basically sums up kaliope. so bringing in another cat into the picture just won't work right now. i'm very sad that we will have to return the new kitty. but i know there is someone out there that can provide him a better home than we can right now. i will always remember him even though it was a short lived time that he was here, but right now i am perfectly fine with my family of 3. just me, nick and kaliope.